WhatsApp Channels — the Meta-owned messaging service’s latest feature aimed at increasing engagement on the platform — is rolling out to users in India and several other countries. Designed as a one-way broadcast tool, these channels allow users to share updates with a large number of users on WhatsApp. At the moment, users can search from a directory to find a channel created by their favourite content creator, business, or celebrity. Members will be able to react to messages sent by the channel owner.
The Meta-owned messaging service announced on Wednesday that WhatsApp Channels are rolling out to users in 150 countries, including India. The feature, which was spotted in development earlier this year, should be available to all users in the coming weeks. Meta Co-Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the news on his own channel, and users can join the official WhatsApp Channel to get updates about the platform. Instagram already supports a similar feature and rival platform Telegram also allows users to join one-way broadcast channels.
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