WhatsApp is testing a secret code feature on the latest version of its Android app. This feature will enable users to keep certain chats hidden behind a secret code. It will not display the list of messages until the correct pin is entered. This feature is expected to bring a heightened level of security for chats that require an extra layer of protection.
The user will be able to set and create the code themselves. It will be a 4-6 digit code that can be used to safeguard certain chats. The hidden chats will not show up in the main chat list, but will be accessible when the correct pin is entered. This will prevent other people from snooping through one’s private conversations.
Additionally, WhatsApp is also working on a new feature that will allow users to set a username for a channel. This feature is not yet available but is expected to be rolled out soon. It will allow users to create a personalized name for their channels and chatrooms. The chosen username will be shown alongside a user’s profile picture and will make it easier for people to find and join public chats.
The secret code feature is part of a larger effort by WhatsApp to create a safer and more secure messaging experience. With the secret code feature, users will be able to keep their private conversations secure, without any fear of unintended access. It will also be helpful in keeping conversations on the app private and away from prying eyes.
In addition to the secret code feature, WhatsApp is also introducing end-to-end encryption for its messages and calls. This will ensure that only the sender and recipient can access and read the messages. This will enable users to communicate and exchange information without any fear of their conversations being accessed by unauthorized persons.
Overall, with the secret code feature and other such measures, WhatsApp is making its messaging platform more secure and private. It is taking steps to protect user data and ensure that conversations remain secure. This is a welcome move, and it should encourage users to take advantage of these features to keep their conversations confidential.