Jio has announced the “Happy New Year Offer 2024” for its prepaid users in India. Notably, the telecom operator has refreshed one of the company’s older annual prepaid plans. The New Year offer provides the benefit of added 24 days of validity, which is complementary to its regular 365 days of validity. This is currently extended only to the Rs. 2,999 plan. Benefits offered in the plan remain the same, but with the increased validity period, the per-day cost is reduced for customers.
The Reliance-owned network service provider explained in a Terms and Conditions page on its website that the long-term prepaid recharge plan of Rs. 2,999 will come with a 24-day validity voucher which will allow the plan to continue for an additional 24 days after its usual 365-day validity runs out, resulting in a total of 389 days of validity. The plan can be purchased through Jio’s prepaid plan page on its website or via the MyJio application.
The benefits extended during those 24 additional days will remain the same as the ones available during the rest of the plan’s validity. Only the daily cost incurred by the customer will effectively come down from Rs. 8.21 per day to Rs. 7.70 per day. With this plan, users will have access to 2.5GB of 4G data per day for every day of the previously mentioned 389 days.
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