Signal, the popular end-to-end encrypted messaging app, has just released a game-changing update. The latest update brings a highly requested feature – Call Links – that allows users to initiate a group call with multiple participants without the need to form a separate group chat. Along with this, the update also includes a “raise hand” button, emoji reactions, and a dedicated calls tab, making group calls on Signal an even better experience.
As the world continues to navigate through a pandemic and physical distancing remains the norm, communication through messaging and video calls has become more important than ever. Signal, known for its focus on privacy and security, has been gaining immense popularity in recent times. And with the new update, it has solidified its position as a top choice for secure and convenient communication.
Let’s take a closer look at the new features on Signal:
Call Links:
One of the most exciting features of the new update is the introduction of Call Links. It allows users to initiate a group call with up to eight participants, without the need to form a separate group chat. All you have to do is share the Call Link with the participants, and they can join the call with just a single tap. This eliminates the hassle of creating a group chat and then initiating a call, making group calls on Signal quick and effortless.
Raise Hand:
One common problem with group calls is the chaotic nature of it, with everyone trying to speak at the same time. But with Signal’s new “raise hand” feature, that problem is solved. Participants can now click on the “raise hand” button to notify others that they have something to say. This helps in maintaining order and ensuring that everyone gets a chance to speak without interruptions.
Emoji Reactions:
We all know how emojis have become an integral part of our online communication. And now, Signal has added emoji reactions to group calls, making it easier for participants to express themselves. From thumbs up to clapping hands, these emoji reactions will allow users to show their agreement, appreciation, or any other emotion during the call.
Dedicated Calls Tab:
In addition to these new features, Signal has also introduced a dedicated calls tab, making it easier for users to access their ongoing and recent calls. This tab eliminates the need to scroll through your chats to find the call you want to join. It also shows the participants’ names and profile pictures, making it easier to identify the call you want to join.
With these updates, Signal has made group calls more convenient, organized, and fun. But what sets it apart from other messaging apps is its focus on privacy and security. Signal has always been committed to protecting its users’ data, and the new update only enhances this aspect.
End-to-end encryption is a key feature of Signal, ensuring that no one, not even Signal, can access your conversations or calls. This means that all your personal and sensitive information remains private and secure. With the new update, Signal has also added an extra layer of security by enabling secure video and audio calls on its desktop app, making it one of the few messaging apps to offer this feature.
Moreover, Signal has a strict no-logs policy, which means it does not store any user data or metadata. This sets it apart from other popular messaging apps, which have been under scrutiny for their privacy policies. With Signal, you can have peace of mind knowing that your conversations and calls are not being monitored or shared with third parties.
Another noteworthy aspect of Signal is its open-source nature. This means that its source code is available for anyone to inspect and verify, ensuring transparency and trustworthiness. With the recent WhatsApp privacy policy changes, many users have been looking for alternative messaging apps, and Signal’s open-source nature has been a significant factor in its growing popularity.
In conclusion, the latest update on Signal has made group calls on the app even better. The addition of Call Links, “raise hand” button, emoji reactions, and a dedicated calls tab has made group calls more convenient, organized, and fun. And with its commitment to privacy, security, and transparency, Signal continues to be a top choice for secure communication among users worldwide. So why not give the new features a try and revolutionize your group calls on Signal?