WhatsApp, the popular messaging platform used by millions of people worldwide, recently announced a new feature that will allow users on iOS to link their email address to their account. This new feature is a smart move by the company, as it allows users an additional avenue of access to the platform in cases where receiving an SMS code is not possible. This feature will come in handy for many users, giving them the freedom to stay connected to their loved ones no matter where they are.
What Does the Feature Allow?
The new feature allows users on iOS to link their email address to their WhatsApp account. This means that users will be able to access their WhatsApp messages through their email inbox. They can receive messages directly in their email, which can be opened in their email client of choice. This will make it much easier for users to keep track of their messages, as they will be able to access them from any device that has access to their email account.
How to Link Email to WhatsApp
The process of linking an email to WhatsApp is simple and straightforward. All the user has to do is open the WhatsApp app and go to Settings > Account > Linked Emails. Here, they will be able to enter their email address and then click the “link” button to link their email to their WhatsApp account. Once this is done, they can easily access their messages even if they are unable to receive an SMS code.
What Benefits Does the Feature Bring?
The feature brings a number of benefits to users. First, it allows users an additional avenue of access to the messaging platform in cases where receiving an SMS code is not possible. This is especially useful for users who are travelling and may not have access to their primary phone number. Second, it makes it easier for users to keep track of their conversations, as they will be able to access them from any device that has access to their email account. Third, unlike their phone number, their email address will not be visible to their contacts, providing them with an additional layer of privacy.
WhatsApp’s new feature is a great addition for users on iOS. It allows them an additional avenue of access to their WhatsApp messages, even if they are unable to receive an SMS code. It also makes it easier for users to keep track of their conversations, as they can access them from any device that has access to their email account. And, unlike their phone number, their email address will not be visible to their contacts, providing them with an additional layer of privacy.